Tradions. We all have them. Some have been passed down through the generations, others we've created on our own, some happen by chance. Half Birthdays is one in our family that was not my idea. When Savannah was in 1st grade at Thomasville Christian School (in GA), her teacher was Mrs. Hugans. Mrs. Hugans was who came up with the 1/2 birthdays. It was for the students who's birthdays fell during summer or holiday breaks. I thought it was a great idea! Those kids miss out on having a class party, getting happy birthday sang to them, and being the teachers helper for the day. What I didn't realize was, when we moved from Thomasville this was something we would continue. Last year Savannah reminded me that her 1/2 birthday was coming up and wanted to know what we were going to do. Oh great, something else to do! Thus another tradition is born. We don't do it up too big. She gets her favorite dinner- beef tips and rice. I bake a cake, but it's only half a cake, we have balloons, and we sing "Happy Half Birthday". She really loves it! So now we do this for Savannah and Cheyenne. Just something else to make her feel special!
Great idea! We've thought about doing this with my daughter because her birthday is two weeks after Christmas - not exactly the easiest time to plan a party - plus she gets WAY TOO MUCH STUFF at once!
ReplyDeleteI like this idea. When mine were in school (back in the cave man days) the teachers had Un-birthdays. Same principle. I too struggle with wondering who wants to read this stuff I write but I have my 12 loyal followers who need a laugh every now and then. It's also fun to know others have normal everyday lives too. Check out my blog from yesterday (or the day before) and you will be soooooooooo blessed after you see the video, I promise! Hugs